Best Coffee Storage
For the love! People, please stop putting your coffee in the freezer. You are not preserving the life of your coffee or its freshness. You are just making your coffee taste like your freezer.

Coffee is a shelf-stable product. Which means it doesn’t need refrigeration. Obvious, right? There are 4 things to avoid in order to keep your coffee fresh: direct sunlight, moisture, oxygen, and extreme heat. There’s one easy way to avoid all of these problems. Buy your coffee fresh (preferably from us-I mean that is what we’re doing here).
Our bags are the perfect container to store your coffee in. The lined bags keep out both sunlight and moisture. The zip seal means you can keep it sealed up tight even after you open the bag, and the weird little circle on the back is actually a one-way air valve. This keeps oxygen from getting in and lets the CO2 off-gas out. Yes. Your coffee has gas.

For the first 24 hours especially, newly roasted beans release large amounts of CO2, that spiffy little valve allows us to pack those beans fresh out of the roaster and deliver them to you within the first 48 hours, which means they arrive at your house at the very beginning of their peak freshness. If you doubt this, try this simple experiment. Take your grocery store coffee put some in a ziplock bag and leave it there for a few days. Take our coffee right when you get it and put it in a ziplock bag also. Watch and wait and wonder. The fresher coffee will cause the bag to blow up like a balloon. Most grocery store coffee is weeks old and already lost its gas. P.S. if you do this experiment and it fails miserably, please let us know because we will need to do some serious re-evaluating of our life choices.
Now back to your freezer. Quit putting your coffee in there. It doesn’t need to be that cold, it isn’t keeping your beans fresh, and it increases the moisture your beans are exposed to, and… the coffee just begins to absorb the smell in your freezer. You know what I’m talking about.. that smell you can taste. That tastes like nothing and everything at the same time. Yuck. The only reason you should consider storing your coffee in the freezer is if you are headed on a long passage in a boat in the steamy tropics, but if that’s the case, you might consider roasting your own beans. And if you have a boat, call us, we should talk.

In conclusion, keep your beans away from sunlight, moisture, oxygen, and extreme heat. You can just keep them in the bag. And as always, we try to be helpful, not bossy about coffee so if you are happy with your bean storage, you just keep on doing you. And if you like the taste of freezer in your coffee, carry on. But no matter how you store your beans, make sure they are great beans. Because great coffee starts with great beans. Like our beans.