Stunt your growth?

Did you grow up hearing that drinking coffee as a child would stunt your growth? Me too. Turns out it’s not true. Anybody want to take a guess at where that idea came from? An advertising company. Yep. A coffee alternative product, Postum, in an effort to boost sales, heralded the dangers of coffee for children, claiming it would hamper their growth. And as is often the case when fear tactics are used, the false claim took root in American culture and has been hanging around since 1933. Now you can read about some other reasons to limit your children’s caffeine intake here, along with a more thorough explanation of the research. But I think it’s ok if your child asks to try some coffee to give them a sip. But put a little cream in there for them. Speaking of cream in your coffee, you should try some of our Lumberjack. It is a dark roast and goes great with milk.

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