It’s easy. It’s convenient. It’s less messy. Why don’t we sell ground coffee?! Well, there are a couple of reasons both practical and philosophical.
The practical reason is that we don’t have the capacity to pre-grind your beans. Commercial grade coffee grinders are expensive and we don’t have one. We have one little household use coffee grinder and if we tried to push through large amounts of coffee at once, we would destroy it, and then we wouldn’t be able to grind coffee for ourselves. And if we can’t drink the coffee, we’ll be walking around in a thick fog unable to function, unable to work, unable to pay bills. Which means we can’t roast coffee. See the breakdown. No bueno. Also, can you imagine how long it would take to run that much coffee through our grinder? I can… it would be about 30 minutes per bag. Yikes!
The other more philosophical reason is that pre-ground coffee is just sad. Without going into a bunch of nerdy coffee stuff, the coffee bean is a tiny magical pebble holding in a boatload of oils and flavors. When you grind the coffee, it smashes that tiny capsule and releases those delicious flavors and oils. Which is why fresh ground coffee smells so AMAZING! But they quickly start to break down, and the oxygen does all kinds of weird things to the coffee actually changing the taste. If you really want to learn more about it, check out this helpful article from Coffee Confidential. Our whole business model is providing fresh roasted coffee to you to enjoy at peak freshness. If we ground the coffee you love and then delivered it to you, it would not be the same coffee you love. It would be like taking a delicious loaf of homemade bread slicing it up and leaving it on the counter for a month. Then wondering why your toast tastes terrible.
If you think this is all snobby pretentious coffee drinker nonsense, you’re probably right, and you can just go back to reason number one why we don’t grind coffee. If we’ve convinced you that the pre-ground coffee you’ve been drinking has been depriving you of all the deliciousness it truly has to offer, you can check out the list of coffee grinders ranging from “I just want some dang coffee” to “extreme hipster coffee snobbery.” And as always, you should buy our coffee. It’s good. We like it. It’s fresh and it has a beard.