Should you put your coffee in the freezer? Maybe… We posted an article a while ago about how you shouldn’t store your coffee in the freezer. We still stand by it but thought it might be worth an update.
If you are buying your coffee in bulk, you can store your coffee in the freezer to preserve freshness but it must be air-tight and you shouldn’t be dipping in the bag every morning. Coffee on the counter is great for 1-2 weeks. The more you mess with the coffee in the freezer the more you allow the freezer air to get up in that coffee flavor. If you really want to learn about it, watch the video below.
If you are using your coffee within 2 weeks and you find that it isn’t tasting as fresh, can I ask if you are grinding it every morning? If the answer is no, there’s your problem. Coffee is pretty simple. There are three important factors to delicious coffee… Freshly roasted quality beans, water that tastes good (to you.. that’s subjective), and freshly ground coffee. If you don’t believe us you can read about why grinding your beans right before you use them is the best. But if you pre-grind your coffee and you think it tastes fine, then you just keep on doing what works for you. It is, after all, just coffee. As for fresh coffee, that we have. We will deliver coffee to your door within days of roasting. That way you don’t need to store your coffee in the freezer. You can just enjoy it and have more delivered next week.