COFFEE: What your heart longs for.
Coffee is delicious. It’s a great way to start your morning. But popular thinking has been all over the place about whether or not it is good for you. Recently a study involving almost 111,000 participants over 9 years, showed “Coffee was significantly associated with a reduction of cardiovascular diseases.” The study revealed one cup of coffee was linked to a reduction of heart-related deaths by 42 percent! That is just crazy.
The even better news is that adding cream and sugar to that coffee didn’t change that statistic. Now one can argue about the impact of cream and sugar in other health-related areas. The study also said instant coffee had the same results. But blech. Why would you want to drink instant coffee, when you can have freshly roasted coffee delivered to your door. I mean… Order some today. Great coffee starts with great beans. Drink to your health.