Big E tries to justify his coffee addiction

Everette likes coffee. When we first met he was drinking coffee by the gallon. Like for real, he was drinking a gallon or more of coffee a day, two to three pots. He was also sweaty and only slept about two hours a night, and just a tiny bit irritable. Because I love him, I suggested he switch to decaf after his first pot of coffee. He told me the caffeine didn’t affect him, so that was unnecessary. I then asked him if he like decaf, to which he replied, “yes, I love all coffee.”

Then I said, “well if you like it, why wouldn’t you just switch to decaf anyway? Why don’t you just try it?”

Check. mate.

So now Everette drinks one pot of regular coffee and then he switches to decaf, our decaf, Sue-Sue. Have you tried it?

But his heart always longs for coffee. He keeps sending me articles about how coffee is good for your health. He says they are for the blog posts, but I think they are so he can justify his coffee intake. And it turns out, there are some legitimate health benefits to coffee. It can lower your risk for Alzheimer’s, Type 2 Diabetes, and Parkinson’s Disease. Drink coffee. Drink more coffee, drink all the coffees. Drink our coffees. If you max out on caffeine, switch to decaf. Coffee: it’s good for your health.

Disclaimer: If coffee makes you feel bad, you shouldn’t drink it. We are not doctors. We just read science-y articles, and try to convince people to buy more of our coffee. Speaking of our coffee, have you tried it?

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