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What's in a Name? A Series.

Naming things is a lot of pressure. Your name either needs to be informative or catchy. As you might have guessed we aim for catchy around here. So what's the deal behind all these interesting coffee names? Tune in each month to find out.


Our flagship coffee. The one that started it all. Maybe it's not all that surprising that "Big E", himself, is the inspiration for this coffee name. Everette has had, at times a rather unkempt rugged man look about him. For the last 13 years or so he's pretty regularly sported a beard. The beard fluctuates between hipster cool and wild mountain man. Mostly depends on how difficult it is to get an appointment with the beard stylist (that's me, folks, but I'm all kinds of busy).
But Big E is definitely more wild-mountain-man than hipster. While he CAN split wood, I've seen it, he isn't a lumberjack. But put him in a flannel shirt and give him a tin coffee cup and he could definitely pass as one. Side note once: when we were first married we had to attend a costume party with little planning. I went as Little Red Riding Hood, he picked up a handsaw and went as the woodsman. People were impressed.
So lumberjack seemed like an appropriate name to represent this smooth strong coffee. It makes you feel like you could rip through a cord of wood before lunchtime when you drink it. But it also slides down nice and smooth on a lazy Saturday morning.
wild man 3
everette hipster
ornament beard
Sometimes Everette's beard even gets festive.
wild man 2

Geek out on other coffee news:

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Espresso… what is it? Is it a bean? Is it a roast? a drink? a Brewing method? A grind? Unveil the mystery of Espresso, and then try some!
Find out more about how it works.


Check out our Ladies T-shirt! Because girls can rock the beard too! And because any woman knows a Unisex shirt sometimes just looks terrible. Also, the colors are fun.

Buy it here.
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